AIU Academic Educational Alliances Grant

This grant is discontinued effective 8/19/24.

AIU has established a grant* in the name of its Academic Educational Alliances in order to assist eligible students with the opportunity to attend a degree program of study at AIU. To be eligible for the Educational Alliances Grant, a candidate must complete the Educational Alliances Attestation form and must also allow for verification of eligibility. For Academic Educational Alliances, verification of eligibility may require the student to submit documentation of proof of prior attendance from the institution of higher learning with which AIU has an articulation agreement.


In addition to the AIU General Grant and Scholarship Conditions, students must also meet the following criteria: 

  • The grant is awarded proportionately over each applicable academic year and the grant will be applied to the academic year tuition costs.
  • Qualifying students are students who have previously attended an institution with which AIU has a signed articulation agreement.
  • Students selected for verification must provide documentation before the grant is applied. Documentation must show proof of attendance at the prior institution and be submitted prior to the first day of class at AIU.
  • All of the conditions must be fulfilled before the grant can be disbursed.

* Please note that grant percentages may vary (ranging anywhere from 5% - 50% of the tuition costs) by Academic Educational Alliance. Please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the exact grant percentage for which you may qualify.

The grant is non-transferable and non-substitutable and cannot be combined with the following institutional grants: AIU Military Spouse Grant, AIU Veterans Grant, AIU Corporate Educational Alliances Grant or AIU Lifelong Learning Grant.