General Education
Purpose of General Education
The purpose of general education at AIU, a member of the AIU System, is to provide students with a wide array of courses strategically crafted to integrate liberal arts, science, and general knowledge. This integration is geared towards fostering both personal and professional growth. The goal is to shape and empower students into capable global citizens ready to meet the evolving demands of the workplace.
The framework and philosophy of the General Education curricula are shaped by the AIU System Mission, the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Essential Learning Outcomes (Essential Learning Outcomes, n.d.) and the Lumina Foundation’s Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) (Lumina Foundation, 2014).
General Education courses are intended to teach students cross functional and transferable skills that can be applied to any discipline or professional setting and build a broad range of knowledge and skills that serve as the foundation for academic and professional success, according to the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) Employer Survey. The courses offered in the general education curriculum aim to provide a holistic learning experience through intensive study of liberal arts topics. Through this approach, the curriculum aims to develop, refine, and derive creative-thinking techniques that can be applied directly to a discipline or profession. Other general education courses relate to academic preparation and non-cognitive (soft) skills. Students are required to take courses from each of the following distribution areas: Academic and Professional Success, English, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, and Natural Sciences.
General Education Outcomes
The AIU System’s General Education Outcomes (GEOs), represent skills at the very core of liberal education and are designed to provide the foundation for each student’s personal development, to foster a love for lifelong learning as they advance through towards program completion. In addition, the GEOs represent skills valued by employers that help students prepare for professional success. The AIUS General Education Outcomes are:
Apply concepts, principles, methods, and prior knowledge from multiple domains (humanities, social, behavioral, and natural sciences) in the development of reasoned conclusions.
Convey ideas, arguments, and information clearly and concisely.
Apply logic to draw conclusions based on mathematical information.
Use information from credible sources effectively and ethically.
Develop reasoned conclusions by integrating information from multiple perspectives.
Integrate multiple and differing interpersonal and intercultural perspectives to address equity and inclusion in the development of reasoned conclusions.
Apply ethical principles and theories to situations.
Undergraduate General Education Requirements
All Undergraduate degree programs offered by the University require general education coursework, intended to build a broad range of knowledge and skills that serve as the foundation for academic and professional success. Students are required to take courses from each of the following distribution areas:
- University Studies
- Composition
- Mathematics
- Humanities
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Natural Sciences
Students may choose courses from within each area as long as they fulfill the distribution area, minimum General Education credit hours, and any requirements specified for their degree level and program (for program specific requirements see below and courses listed in the
Courses: General Education sections of each degree program requirements page.
General Education Electives
Students entering the University with general education coursework that does not meet specific general education requirements offered at AIU may be considered for general education elective credit.