Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation in their last quarter of study at AIU, students must have a minimum CGPA of 2.0 for undergraduate programs or 3.0 for graduate programs and satisfied all program requirements.

Students must be cleared by the following departments for release of diploma:

  • Academic Affairs and/or Student Affairs Department to confirm that all program requirements have been met.
  • Financial Aid and Student Accounts Departments to verify all financial documentation requirements are satisfied.
  • Career Services Department to confirm the Graduate File requirements have been completed.
  • Library and Learning Resource Center to identify any financial obligations with the library (if applicable)

Diplomas will be processed once all graduation requirements are cleared.


Automatic Degree Awards

The University may in some instances award a degree to a student who has completed the requirements from one program while enrolled in another. Qualifying Bachelor students may be eligible to receive the corresponding Associate degree while progressing through the Bachelor's program/enrollment. All of the corresponding Associate degree program requirements must be met and graduation policy requirements still apply.


Graduating Under Earlier Catalogs

The institution policy on use of earlier graduation requirements provides that if fewer than ten years have elapsed since a student’s admission into the program, she or he may choose to graduate under the program requirements in effect at the time of admission, or under any subsequent requirements.