Houston Campus Military Tuition and Fees Schedule

Effective July 2023
Applicable to all Active Duty/Reserve U.S. Military Service Members

 Total Credits Required to Graduate Cost per Credit Hour
(Refer to Note 1)
Total Program Tuition
(Refer to Note 2) 
Undergraduate Programs
Associate of Arts in Business Administration (AABA)
90 $166.66 $14,999.40
Associate of Science in Criminal Justice (ASCJ)
90 $166.66 $14,999.40
Bachelor of Accounting (BACC)
180 $166.66 $29,998.80
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
180 $166.66 $29,998.80
Bachelor of Healthcare Management (BHCM)
180 $166.66 $29,998.80
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ)
180 $166.66 $29,998.80
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)
180 $166.66 $29,998.80
Graduate Programs 
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 
45 $497.00 $22,365.00
Master of Healthcare Management (MHCM) 
45 $497.00 $22,365.00
Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)
45 $497.00 $22,365.00
Certificate Programs
Audio and Sound Recording
27 $166.66 $4,499.82
 Online Course Fee (Refer to Note 3)

Students enrolling in a Virtual Campus Online course will be charged an Online Course Fee. The Online Course Fee includes Virtual Campus access, online library, 24/7 technical support, and all course materials, which may include e-books, textbooks, and/or software. 

The Online Undergraduate Course Fee is $104 per 4.5 credit course.
The Online Graduate Course Fee is $135 per 4.5 credit course.

Textbooks (Refer to Note 3) 

Students are responsible for purchasing textbooks and supplies required for class. Textbooks purchased in the campus Bookstore will be billed to the student's account.

Although the costs of the textbooks and supplies vary by program and by course, the average cost per 15 undergraduate or 13 graduate credit hours is $400.


  1. Program tuition is charged per credit hour at the beginning of each term throughout the student's program. Each academic term is 10 weeks and may be comprised of two five-week sessions or a single 10-week session.
  2. Tuition charges are based upon total program credits, less applicable textbook/course material and Online Course Fee waivers, and may vary due to transferred credits, repeated courses, and/or program pacing.
  3. Students may be required to complete some coursework for the program via online delivery. An Online Course Fee is charged to students taking a class through AIU's Virtual Campus. For all students eligible for the military tuition rate, the Online Course Fee(s) and textbook charge(s) will be posted to a student's account once each term, after the add/drop period. The charge will then be waived, resulting in no net materials cost to the student.
  4. Information regarding program concentrations/specializations and additional fees listed above may be found within this Catalog.
  5. Students enrolled as non-degree seeking will be charged on a per-credit-hour basis.

AIU reserves the right to change tuition and fees at any time.

Cost of Attendance

The cost of attendance (COA) is the average academic year education-related cost for attending a program at an institution of higher education. Expected charges include direct costs, such as tuition and fees, and indirect costs (not charged by AIU), such as housing and food, travel, books and supplies, and other personal expenses. The COA will differ based on various circumstances, such as your enrollment status and living situation. Students receiving Military Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) should reference the 'BAH' components below. All other students should reference the 'Off-campus' components below.

Below are the COA components for the 2024-25 academic year. At AIU, a full-time academic year consists of three terms, which is generally seven months in length.


Estimated COA

Off Campus
Estimated COA

Food and Housing1

$2,555 per Academic Year

$9,044 per Academic Year


$1,134 per Academic Year

Miscellaneous/Personal Expenses1

$1,288 per Academic Year


1Adjusted on 2 years averages of inflation, data based on the national averages from the “BLS Table 1800. Consumer Expenditure Survey 2022”: