On-Campus Class Attendance and Participation


In keeping with AIU’s mission of providing students with a quality education, classroom participation is extremely important. Since many of the classes are taught in lab, studio, and hands-on formats including projects, presentations, and student involvement, class participation is an integral part of the student’s grade. All students are encouraged to carefully read their class syllabi and consult with their instructors and/or Program Chair.

New students must participate beyond the first week of their academic program to remain enrolled in the University. New students who do not participate in class and register attendance beyond the first week of their first course will have their enrollment canceled by the University.



Attendance at all scheduled class sessions is required of each student. Scheduled class sessions will be noted in the syllabus; and each student is expected to be present, on time, and prepared for each class session. Class attendance records will be maintained by each instructor. In addition, a percentage of the student’s grade may be determined by class participation.

Occasional circumstances may arise that cause students to miss a class session or to arrive late for a class session. Students should refer to the course syllabus for instructor policies related to class attendance/participation.



The goal of AIU is to provide students with learning experiences that will assist them in achieving their goals of a degree and a career. Students are expected to perform as professionals in their respective fields which includes reporting to work regularly, on time, and prepared to contribute.

  • New students must participate beyond the first week of their academic program to remain enrolled in the university. New students who do not participate in class and register attendance beyond the first week of their first course will have their enrollment canceled by the institution.
  • All students who have not submitted work or registered attendance for 15 calendar days, not including session break days, will be administratively withdrawn from their class and/or the University.
  • Continuing students who register during the drop/add week may be subject to a late registration fee if they have not registered prior to this period.
  • Students are expected to communicate with the respective faculty, in advance, when an absence will occur. Each course syllabus clearly delineates expectations regarding absence notification of faculty by students, class participation and acceptance of late work.
  • Late arrivals (tardies) or early departures from classes may be counted, on a prorated basis, in course absences. The instructor must identify how these absences will be counted in the course.
  • The University does not differentiate between “excused” and “unexcused” absences. A student is either in attendance or absent. However, students are encouraged to contact faculty prior to any absence and are responsible for any missed work when absent.
  • Students who stop attending a class without officially withdrawing are considered in violation of the attendance policy and will receive the appropriate grade, which may include a grade of “F.”