Attendance/Course Participation


The University recognizes that regular attendance has a positive impact on a student’s success in their degree program of study. Students are expected to be in class for all regularly scheduled class periods and to report to class on time. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor all matters related to student absences. Participation is captured and recorded as the Last Date of Attendance (LDA) in the student records system and updated with each consecutive academically-related activity. This provides a dynamic update to the LDA in the student’s academic record for real-time monitoring of course participation throughout a quarter. Students should refer to the Withdrawal from the University policy for implications of non-participation. 


Participation During In-Session Break Periods


The university recognizes break periods to allow students time off from school during common holiday and break periods: Summer Break, Thanksgiving, and Winter Break.  As a result, break periods may occur during a session.  Students may use this time to work on assignments and will have access to submit work during the break period.  However, it is important to note that the LDA  (Last Date of Attendance) will not update during the break periods when work is submitted. Therefore, if the attendance policy has not been violated, the University will allow for up to a 5 day grace period after class resumes allowing for students to participate in class.