Reuse or Repurposing Prior Assignments
Re-use: Students who are retaking the same course may use work submitted in a previous iteration of the course in its entirety without penalty. Students who intend to submit past work in its entirety must notify the current instructor if they are retaking the course and plan to submit prior work and discuss any recommendations before submission. As with every task, students must uphold academic integrity; therefore, they can only re-use work that is original to them. Resubmission does not guarantee that the grade earned on prior submission will be equaled or improved. If an instructor is not made aware of work being re-used, the instructor will treat the assignment as plagiarized work and reserves the right to post an F grade for the assignment.
Repurposing: Students may not repurpose previously submitted coursework from a different course unless it is specified in the assignment instructions. This includes part of a paper or excerpts from a previously graded paper for an assignment from another class.