Application of Grades and Credits

The chart below describes the impact of each grade on a student’s academic progress. For calculating rate of progress, grades of F (failure), W (withdrawn), repeated courses, and I (incomplete) are counted as hours attempted. Grades of F (failure) and W (withdrawn) are not counted as hours successfully completed. The student must repeat any required course in which a grade of F or W is received. Undergraduate students will only be allowed to repeat courses in which they received a grade of C- or below and graduate students will only be allowed to repeat courses in which they received a grade of B- or below.


Courses repeated during a student’s program of study due to non-satisfactory grades will be indicated as a repeated course with the highest grade calculated into the CGPA. Both original and repeated credits will be counted as attempted credits in rate of progress calculations. A “W” grade will not be indicated as a repeated course on a student’s transcript and remains part of the student’s permanent record.


A “W” grade indicates that a student has been withdrawn from a course.  Students who drop a course during the add/drop period will be unregistered from the course. Students who withdraw from a course after the add/drop period but before the last calendar week of the scheduled course will receive a grade of “W”.


If a student is in compliance with AIU’s attendance policy for an individual course, he or she will earn a grade of A-F for the course. Students who withdraw during the last scheduled calendar week of the class, and have a date of attendance (LDA) for the class during the last calendar week of the scheduled course, will receive the grade earned calculated as a final grade. Students who are registered for a course and do not request to drop the course during the add/drop period will receive a W once the attendance policy is violated.



“W” Grades are also awarded when students do not successfully meet course attendance requirements. Please refer to the individual Attendance and Leave Of Absence policies for details.







A proficiency (PR) grade is awarded for proficiency credit earned through prior learning assessment. Developmental credits are not intended for transfer and will not apply to graduation. They are, however, calculated in determining satisfactory academic progress.



Undergraduate Grade Scale


Letter Code Description Included in Credits Earned Included in Credits Attempted Included in CGPA Grade Points
A A Yes Yes Yes 4.00
  A– A– Yes Yes Yes 3.70
  B+ B+ Yes Yes Yes 3.30
B B Yes Yes Yes 3.00
  B– B– Yes Yes Yes 2.70
  C+ C+ Yes Yes Yes 2.30
C C Yes Yes Yes 2.00
  C– C– Yes Yes Yes 1.70
   D+ D+ Yes Yes Yes 1.30
 D D Yes Yes Yes 1.00
 F F No Yes Yes 0.00
 I Incomplete No Yes No n/a
 P Pass Yes Yes No n/a
NP No Pass No Yes No n/a
TC Transfer Yes Yes No n/a
W Withdrawn No Yes No n/a
L Leave of Absence No No No n/a
PR Proficiency Yes Yes No n/a




Graduate Grade Scale


Letter Code Description Included in Credits Earned Included in Credits Attempted Included in CGPA Grade Points
A A Yes Yes Yes 4.00
  A– A– Yes Yes Yes 3.70
  B+ B+ Yes Yes Yes 3.30
B B Yes Yes Yes 3.00
  B– B– Yes Yes Yes 2.70
  C+ C+ Yes Yes Yes 2.30
C C Yes Yes Yes 2.00
F F No Yes Yes 0.00
I Incomplete No Yes No n/a
P Pass Yes Yes No n/a
NP No Pass No Yes No n/a
TC Transfer Yes Yes No n/a
W Withdrawn No Yes No n/a
L Leave of Absence No No No n/a
PR Proficiency Yes Yes No n/a