Campus Drug and Alcohol Policy
American InterContinental University believes strongly in emphasizing the development of each individual’s acceptance of his/her own personal and social responsibility. The University also believes in providing an atmosphere that is conducive to academic pursuits. In recognition that personal problems such as the use of alcohol and drugs do exist, which adversely affect the development of an individual and his/her academic pursuits, American InterContinental University has developed a drug and alcohol prevention program in order to ensure a drug-free environment. Relevant literature is updated and distributed on an annual basis via the student portal and can also be in the “Student Right-to-Know” handout.
American InterContinental University strictly prohibits the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages on its property, and adheres to the enforcement of the state laws regarding underage drinking (One must be 21 years of age to legally consume alcoholic beverages).American InterContinental University strictly prohibits the possession, use, and sale of illegal drugs and adheres to the enforcement of federal and state drug-laws on its property.
The aforementioned substances refer to alcohol and to all illegal substances with the exception of medication prescribed to an individual under the care of a physician. The property of American InterContinental University includes the University campuses and the campus housing as applicable. University-sponsored activities include activities organized by the office of the Campus Director of Student Experience, any field trips, or functions such as the graduation ceremony.
Any violation of these policies may result in appropriate disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion and notification to local law enforcement authorities as appropriate.