Campus Security/Crime Prevention and Safety Programs

In compliance with the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, each AIU campus in the United States publishes an annual security report that contains information concerning policies and programs relating to campus security, crimes and emergencies, the prevention of crimes and sexual offenses, drug and alcohol use, campus law enforcement, and access to campus facilities. The annual security report also includes statistics concerning the occurrence of specified types of crimes on campus and at certain off-campus locations. The annual security report is published each year by October 1 and contains statistics for the three most recent calendar years. The annual security report is provided to all current students and employees. A copy of the most recent annual security report may be obtained from the Student Affairs Department during regular business hours or the Virtual Campus.

In addition to the annual security report, each campus has security procedures to maintain a crime log of all reported crimes. The crime log is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Student Affairs Departments at these campuses. AIU will report to the campus community concerning the occurrence of any crime includable in the annual security report that is reported to campus security or local police and that is considered to be a threat to students or employees.

All prospective students and employees may obtain a copy of the report from the Office of the Ombudsman by calling (877) 701-3800 option 4 or by e-mailing