Experiential Learning Credit

AIU may award undergraduate course credits for experiential learning that has been acquired through employment, non-collegiate, school-based education, or other appropriate learning experiences in keeping with recommendations from the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Life and learning experiences alone, however, are inadequate bases for the award of experiential credit. In order for such learning to be considered for this credit award, it must:

  1. Relate specifically to undergraduate coursework required for the student’s enrolled program of study or appropriate elective areas.
  2. Result in experientially attained and mastered competencies that are appropriately documented and substantially similar to the course outcomes that would be acquired in the comparable undergraduate AIU course.
  3. Up to 22.5 credits in the overall degree program can be based on Experiential Learning.

Portfolios cannot be submitted for capstone courses.

Students who are interested in pursuing experiential learning options should first contact their advisor to determine eligibility. Once eligibility is determined, the advisor will work with the student to explain what the portfolio entails, discuss the potential credit award range, and provide resources and basic steps to get the student started and on how to submit the portfolio for assessment. 

Prior to the final submission, the University Registrar Department performs an administrative review to determine if all necessary components are included. Once submitted, the portfolio is reviewed by an appropriate Faculty Subject Matter Expert to determine if credit can be awarded.. If approved by Faculty Subject Matter Experts, the proficiency credit award (designated by a grade of “PR”) is applied to the student’s degree plan and posted by the University Registrar Department.